Product & Technical
When I cut the wheel hard and step on the gas, I hear loud clicking and snapping. What's making that noise?
The most likely cause is a defective or worn outer CV drive axle joint. It may be time to get it replaced.
When I step on the gas, I hear a loud thump and feel a bad vibration. What's wrong?
The most likely cause is the drive train shifting in the chassis due to a broken engine mount or hardware, causing misalignment of the CV drive axle and causing the inner joint to bind or hang up.
I hear a grinding noise from the front end while driving and see grease on the chassis and suspension. What is causing this?
The most likely problem is the outer CV drive axle boot has ruptured, causing the grease to leak out, allowing contamination (water and dirt) to enter and damage the joint.
I installed a replacement CV drive axle and now my ABS light is on and won't go out. Why?
When the replacement drive axle was installed, the sensor ring, sensor, or sensor wiring on or near the axle was damaged, causing an erratic speed signal to the ABS module and setting the light on.
Can I let the CV Drive Axles hang while I am working on the car?
Never allow the CV Drive Axles to hang unsupported. This can lead to axle separation and damage to the inner joint.
The wheels wobble when I make a turn. What's the problem?
The most likely cause is a broken bearing cage due to excessive torque load. This is typically an outboard joint problem.
When I replace the CV drive axles, should I reuse the old seals?
When replacing CV Drive Axle assemblies, always install new transaxle seals to avoid leaking.
I removed both CV drive axles at the same time and now I am having problems reinstalling them. What can I do?
The transaxle gear alignment has been lost. On some vehicles it will be necessary to disassemble the transaxle to properly align the output gears. ALWAYS remove and install one CV drive axle at a time.
The old CV Drive Axle has a locking style (prevailing torque) nut. Should I reuse it?
NO! A prevailing torque lock nut should never be reused. Always discard the old nut and install a new one.
Can I let the CV Drive Axles hang while I am working on the car?
Never allow the CV Drive Axles to hang unsupported. This can lead to axle separation and damage to the inner joint.
The wheels wobble when I make a turn. What's the problem?
The most likely cause is a broken bearing cage due to excessive torque load. This is typically an outboard joint problem.
Is it OK to use an impact hammer to install the retaining nut?
Never use an impact wrench to install the retaining nut on the CV Drive Axle. Always use a torque wrench and torque the nut to manufacture's specifications.