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We are an automotive industry leader in aftermarket parts engineering and innovation. For more than five decades, we've built new and remanufactured vehicle parts that meet or exceed O.E. performance -- at a better economic and environmentally-sustainable value to consumers.



Stay up to date with the latest automotive industry news and trends from CARDONE

  • Automotive Electronics Fundamentals Explained

    August 7, 2023

    Automotive Electronics Fundamentals Explained

    Importance of Automotive Electrical Fundamentals Modern vehicles rely on electronics more than ever before. Therefore, it is important to know electrical systems fundamentals. Attempting to diagnose…

    Published by Steve Tortu Jr.

  • How Do Power Brake Boosters Work?

    May 8, 2023

    How Do Power Brake Boosters Work?

    Brake Booster Functionality   Ever wondered what role a Power Brake Booster plays in an automotive braking system? Power brake boosters multiply the force exerted by the driver thro…

    Published by Steve Tortu Jr.